
Monday, March 1, 2010

In most loving memory...

My Mom passed away on February 25, 2010. I'm still pretty speechless, nothing I can say would be good enough and I'm not really thinking clearly anyway. I've gone through and found some of my favorite pictures of her. They are out of order, but I love each one of them and will always cherish them. I love my Mom so much and will miss her terribly.

She taught me how to sew.
She taught me how to throw a party.
She taught me how to work.
She taught me how to clean a bathroom.
She made my wedding dress and did all the flowers and catered it.
She made me crazy sometimes.
Sometimes I would cry myself to sleep at night because I was so homesick.
She taught me how to play the piano.
She was completely surprised when she came to my house for Thanksgiving the first time and realized that I can cook.
She was my only beautician until 2002.

Oh how I miss her!


  1. So sorry to hear Dedra. I remember meeting your mom she was super nice. I will be thinking of you.

  2. I'm so sad for your family! Cancer is crap. Thanks for the awesome pictures, your mom was one of a kind! :) I'll see you on Wednesday. Loves.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I loved these pictures because it showed how your mom laughed with her whole body! I am thinking of you all the time, Dedra.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. She truly looks like she was an amazing lady- while I'm sure they may not truly do her justice, I love how the photos you posted let her personality shine through. And I love that, because she taught you so much and because you love her so much (and just because you're awesome!), she can live on through you! (Isn't the restored gospel great? :)

    May the Lord bless you always!

  6. Dedra, this is a beautiful tribute.

    When you moved into the Troutdale ward, people noticed. You are a vibrant, talented and gifted woman. So much of that comes from your mom's ability to refine those talents in you. What a woman! So many people are blessed by what she's accomplished.

  7. I loved this post. She had to have been awesome b/c you are!

  8. Dedra,

    I was just going through an old blog post of mine where you commented, and thought I'd hop on over here to tell you I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's passing.

    I have been thinking of both you and Wendi in the past couple weeks, even though I don't think we've ever met--have we? You just commented on my blog enough that I feel like I sort of know you.

    It was hard when Dave passed away, but I can't even imagine losing my mother.

    May God bless you with comfort as you endure this trial.
