When I had only been married about a year my mom gave me a waffle iron. I LOVE my waffle iron! Do you know what you can do with a waffle iron? A lot more than make waffles, that for sure.
A little over a year ago, June 9, 2009 to be exact, our ward did an Enrichment Meeting (now known as Relief Society Meetings) where each sister brought their favorite gadget from home and gave a little 'infomercial' on it. I was stumped on what to bring until my genius friend, Liz, suggested I bring my waffle iron.
Why do I love my waffle iron so much? Because, like I said only 2 paragraphs earlier, you can do a lot with a waffle iron. Here is a short list of the things you can make/cook/iron in a waffle iron:
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Fried Eggs (not with a soft center)
Chicken (boneless)
lastly, but not most importantly...
waffles (I don't heart waffles...unless they have my sister's homemade blackberry jam on top of them. Last night I heart-ed my waffle!)
At the Enrichment Meeting I decided I was going show the world (The Great Bend Ward) how to make cake in a waffle iron...german chocolate cake to be exact and I even bought the yummo frosting to go on top. When it was my turn to present, a horrible thing happened. My beloved waffle iron of 11 (ELEVIN!!) years would not heat up. It was a sad moment. Luckily because of the interest my friend Gloria had in my waffle iron demonstration, she quickly produced hers for me to borrow. (We were in her home. No, she doesn't just carry her waffle iron around with her. BUT, if she did...I'd love her even more.)
Her waffle iron was a fancy belgium waffle maker and it quickly heated up, much faster than mine ever did...even when it wasn't ancient. The german chocolate waffle cakes were a hit. There may have even been a run on waffle irons that evening at the local Wal*Mart. The only sad part of the evening was I left with no waffle iron, only the memory of it, and later a picture that was emailed to me by Liz...or Ben.
NOW, imagine a whole year without a waffle iron. I missed it and wanted to make lovely waffle-ey treats and lunches for the famdango, but alas, we were unable to replace it. When I moved out of Kansas, a few of my closest friends threw a little going party for me. We all wore aprons and ate delicious food outside in Linda McCowan's lovely yard, including waffle cakes for dessert. My going away gift, from Gloria, was A NEW WAFFLE IRON! (Say it like Rod Roddy used to say it on The Price is Right. RIP Rod.) Not just ANY waffle iron either, it was a fancy belgium waffle maker. I love it. I've had it for 4 months and used it many times already. We learned last night, that it does make good waffles.
This is my old waffle iron...post mortem.
This is my new waffle iron, after it made lovely waffles last night. I tried 4 times to get a picture that would show how shiny it was, but the only thing it really shows is the dirt spot on the bottom left side. Whatever. I love it!!