
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday Update

  • Our walk through with the social worker was today at 1:15. It went perfectly. I cleaned like crazy for a couple hours before she showed up.
  • Our tree is decorated. I hate it. I don't regret shooting all our Christmas ornaments last year with Matthew using his bb gun, but I do dislike what the tree looks like right now. I'm searching for new ornaments that I will love.
  • I  made Anna's Christmas stocking today. It's super cute. I made it instead of cleaning house. That is why I was in a mad rush right up until the worker showed up.
  • Playing the pedals on the organ is not getting easier. (As I practice. I'm not brave enough to try during church...yet.)
questions or comments I have for some of my readers that I never remember to ask them when I'm on their blogs or facebook accounts.

Kate, how did the primary program go?

Ben and Liz, yes, Anna came to our family so we could be related in a few years. Anna already know she wants to be married in the temple. We can work out the logistics later. We still have some time.

Angie, thank you for the email and the song recommendation. I love that one and you are right, I love it even more right now.

Dear reader who never comments. Will you please comment so I know you are a reader. It's okay if we aren't friends. I stalk other people too.

Good night people, I'm going to eat pie and then go to sleep. It's only 7:19 pm. I am lame. I have friends in Kansas who are still up.


  1. I "finally" commented once-so that reader who never comments comment wasn't me!LOL...
    Ahhh, Dedra, I SO APPRECIATE your blog and getting to be close this way. And I "hope" I am your FRIEND!;-)...I count you mine. Love you, and I thought of you all day yesterday working hard for the walk-thru. GLAD IT'S OVER for you:-)
    How SWEET that Anna already has her very own Stocking MADE BY YOU-you do SOOO MANY creative, loving things that way! I admire so many things that you do. THANK YOU for the pics of Anna you post-they're SOOO CUTE!:-) Glad everything was ok for Thanksgiving-I felt for you with that drive!!! YIKES! SUPER that you got to be with family this year:-)
    Please tell Colie and Matthew to check their blogs for comments if they haven't the last couple times:-) THANK YOU AGAIN for all that you are---Sherry

  2. Dedra, okay, so I think you need to enlighten us about he shooting the ornaments with the BB gun... now that sounds like a good story :)

    I really enjoy your blog... even though we've never met! I tell my sweet hubby about "Dedra" and "Amber" and "Lara"... you are my blog friends... I love your stories and I feel like I know you.... I think it would be great to meet up somewhere someday and have some serious PIE! ;)

  3. fyi - I'm a blog stalker - but I do know you so it isn't weird or anything...well not really. Sorry that I'm so lame and my blog is no fun to stalk...

  4. the program went well. ( i sent you an email you may or may not want to read.) :)

    I am glad the appointment with the social worker went well. that is probably a huge relief!

  5. Um, I would LOVE to justify going to bed before 8 p.m. I have too much to do that I often don't get to bed until around midnight. And I have to wake up at 5 (5:30 if I'm slacking, and I'm trying to get out of the slacking habit). I need more sleep. Tell you what- how about you do my work so you can avoid feeling lame, and I'll go to bed at your time... :)
