
Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Brother Garen

Today is my brother's birthday. He is 28, #5 out of 8 kids. I am #4, so he is my closest sibling, age wise.

As kids, Garen and I along with another brother, Adam, used to ride tonka trucks down a really steap rode, through an intersection, and into the field across the street. Yes, it was just as dangerous as it sounds. I ruined 3 pairs of shoes in 3rd grade, and I still have scars on my knees from our adventures.

We used to stay up late in my room and tell stories about dead rats and mice, and places we could put them to scare our mom. We never did though.

In high school, we had a paper route together from midnight to 4 in the morning. We would go to bed right after dinner--around 5:30, get up at 11:30 and drive 15 miles to get our papers, deliver them all over Silverdale, WA, taking a break at the hotel where our brother, Ryan was the night auditor, then we'd get home by 4-4:30, make breakfast, he'd watch TV, I'd get ready for seminary/school and our days would repeat.

When I was a teenager and he was smaller than me, I often very mean to him. In my heart I feel I was meaner than many siblings are to each other. In the last 12 or so years, I have told him I was sorry 100s of times, and on his birthday I just want him, and anybody who reads this to know, I love him very much!! I also want you to know, that I will regret how I treated him in my teenage years until I die. I am truly sorry for it.

When I lived closer to home, Garen was never around for photo shoots because he lives in Alaska. However, about a year before we moved to Kansas, he was in town at my Mom and Dad's so I made a special trip to see him. Gina had he camara, and here are some pics from that trip. All you need to have fun, is a Dad willing to keep the camara shooting, and anyone who wants to be in the shot. Garen, Gina & I were up to for the challenge.



  1. I am so weird about people dying that when I saw the title of your post I wondered if he died. Then before it all opened I thought maybe it is his birthday. Sorry about the 7 weird things my other friend tagged me at least three weeks ago too I probably forgot, I usually don't do them it requires too much thought but she was teasing me about it so I gave in to the peer pressure.

  2. Nice post, Dedra! Garen and I read it. I thought you should know he knows you are sorry and has accepted your apologies. Don't stress about it so much! Thank you for the birthday wishes and we love you, too.

    Andrea and Garen
