
Monday, April 20, 2009

We've Upgraded

I don't typically show the world when we buy something new. That's not really my style. HOWEVER, I can't help it this time because I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

This is my first piano. Ken bought it for me in 2001 before we moved to Utah. It has lived in Bremerton WA, 2 places in Utah, 2 places in Grandview, WA, Troutdale, OR, Vancouver, WA and 2 places in Kansas. When we got it is needed tuned BADLY. For all the time I've owned it, I NEVER got it tuned. My brother gave me the money to get it tuned for Christmas 2 years ago and I saved it because we were getting bad weather and the guy couldn't get to our house. I finally made the appointment and between the day I set it and the day he was going to come, Ken flew to Kansas, interviewed for a job and accepted it, so I canceled the appt and we moved. I spent the money on gas to get to KS. It served it's purpose in our home, I was able to practice the piano whenever I wanted and I'm thankful for it.

We moved that piano out on Saturday and got this one today. I LOVE IT!! Rather, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! It is only 4 years old, and I got a smokin' deal on it because the owner is moving to Nebraska into an apartment and couldn't take it with her. AND it has a bench! The other one did not.

So all I have to say is out with the old and with the new! YEAH!!


  1. It looks beautiful, I am jealous but I am waiting to have a nice living room to put one in. We had an old one once but it was mostly just a spot to pile things and it didn't work very well so we got rid of it. Yeah for you it looks great.

  2. Congratulations. I hope that you and your family get many wonderful years of music out of it.I keep thinking that I would like to get a new one that is more easy to move around but I really love the sound of ours. And it has alot of memories.I'm such a sentimental freak.

  3. that is great!!!! i have been looking in the paper for uprights lately (for after we move) . you can usually find them for free if you haul it away. but with those, there are more problems than they are worth.

    congrats on the new-ish piano!

  4. I LOVE the new family pic too.
