Friday, October 31, 2008
dO PigS FLy?!
Farewell to Hermana Madsen
Yesterday was transfers in the Missouri, Independence Mission. A sad day for the GB Ward indeed. Hermana Madsen was transferred to the Liberty Jail Visitor's Center. Lucky for MO, sad for us! Here are some pics of fun times we had. WE LoVe yOU HeRmANa MadSeN!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
How did that happen?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Kansas City Stars...again
Back in May I bought 4 tickets to the Lion King for my birthday. Yesterday, 10/25 we went to Kansas City to see the Lion King. It was a really neat musical. I have to say that I have been a little bit spoiled in the other shows I've seen, not that I've seen alot of them, but I felt like the Lion King was not my favorite one. That being said, you should still see it if you have a chance! It was really cool. Below is a musical montage with pictures of our trip to KC yesterday. I have a few more pictures that will be coming soon.
*DISCLAIMER by logging into my blogs and choosing to watch videos and read stories, you have chosen to subject yourself to as little or as much sillyness as I choose to post on said blogs. Also, I have to give credit to Roger Miller for singing the song in the video, "KANSAS CITY STAR" Carry on as usual...
Happy Birthday to me...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Carving Pumpkins
Monday, October 20, 2008
ER...Now a Reality Show!!
Ken being checked out by the doctor, Bishop and Ben to the left.
Ben pretending to draw a circle around the swollen area. I offered a sharpie that I had in my purse, but Ken got a little indignant about the offer.
Ken scared about getting 2 shots, one in the arm, one in the bum.
"Probably a spider bite, could easily be a Brown Recluse." HAHA!!! Okay, so it's not funny, but it cracked me up anyway. In the end, Ken got his shots, had to stay 15 more minutes for observation, then drove himself home.
I left after he got his shots, which he wouldn't let me take a picture of, so I could let the kids go to bed. You didn't miss anything.
In the night he was restless, and at one point apologized for freaking out. I asked him what he was talking about and he said, "I've decided it might be okay to let some of the puppies into the funeral home." He was hepped on something good!! This morning I checked out his head and it looked the same. That is good news since it didn't get worse. And that's my story!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Pumpkin Patch Pictures
Dedra with another gord, what a pretty frame!
Colie with a scarecrow
Dedra and Matthew in a corn field
Our family on top of hay bales that were about 5' tall.
Ken with one of their many scarecrows. The Cheneys & The Drapers getting ready for the hay ride.
Matthew trying to push a cart of pumpkins & gords.
Nicole and Matthew in the scavenger hunt.
The kids begging me to let this be the last picture so we can finally go and eat lunch.