
Saturday, October 11, 2008

The last one...Maybe

So while my family was in town, my good friend Jessica came over to play. After lunch we were making a list of things we needed to pick up from Walmart, and she said, we need 8 packs of bubble gum. Gina and I didn't understand because that is ALOT of bubble gum and we don't normally chew that kind. She said it's fun to put as many pieces in your mouth as you can and then try to talk. Okay, game on! Add it to the list. My Dad took the 3 of us to Walmart, we bought all the things we needed--Googly Eyes, Bubble Gum, I think my Dad got something from home electronics and so on. When we got home, we set up all out camaras on a bar stool and went to town chewing bubble yuck, watermelon flavored, bubble gum. Gina was able to get 5 pieces in her mouth (1 WHOLE PACKAGE!), I got 1 whole package too, but it was so big I was dry heaving ALOT...who knew I had such a small mouth? Jessica was a whole other story. The girl put 9 NINE!! pieces in her mouth and had room for more.

Now that we have the gum, it's time to shoot the footage..of what you may ask? We weren't sure when we started, but we knew we only had one chance because Gina and I were going to vomit if we had to chew all that gum for very long. So here is the footage. I'll spare you the part where they were taping me dry heaving while I was trying to get all that gum in my mouth, it wasn't pretty.

In case you were wondering, the encouraging commentary at about :30 is my Dad. He was out supervision for this activity...Enjoy the video. I know I may regret showing this one day, but it's too's already on Youtube. Thanks Jess..again.

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